Tuesday, April 8, 2014

communication capstone

            This being the second time people came to class with Creative Writing Capstone presentations, I felt like now is the appropriate time to react to them. 
First thing, I’m not sure exactly what the Capstone project entails of. I have already completed the Communication Capstone, and from what I did with that, and from what I saw with class, I’m assuming that it just entails of one big project.
            Some of the presentations were interesting. There seemed to be ideas all across the border, poetry, prose, and the little trolls who live in a grocery store interactive book. Honestly, that one I thought was pretty cool, although I have no idea how someone could do it. I’m hoping to see some of these projects when they are done, as I will have to do Capstone soon.
            For my Capstone I’m hoping to write and direct a short movie (or a long one if time allows it). Considering I am triple majoring in Communication, Creative Writing, and Electronic Media and Film, I’m really hoping to combine them all to make something cool. I’m hoping to the creative writing program will help me with writing for media, even if their aren’t very many classes that actually are used for said profession.
            Looking back, these creative writing classes have guided me into writing for media. They have given me story and dialogue ideas, and even though not much directly for the media is there, I still hope they will give me something. I really don’t want to think about the possibility of graduating with all these majors and doing absolutely nothing with them.

            Hoping things work for the best.

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