Tuesday, March 25, 2014

creative project 3 peer review

            So I should probably mention that I was only in one class in the last week considering I was pretty much unable to get out of bed on Monday due to sickness, so for todays blog I am going to discuss the editing process in association with creative writing project 3.
            First thing I should mention, I find it difficult to edit other peoples papers. Of course, the day I was peer reviewing other people’s assignments in this class was the same day I had been peer reviewing other peoples assignments in my two classes before this class. So by this time, I was kind of peer reviewed out, luckily I broke out my second wind and kept on trucking.
            I find it difficult to peer review for several reasons, number one being I’m not sure how to be a complete jerk when I find someone has an assignment that needs a lot of changes. Another issue is when I’m reading something that I just purely don’t know how to edit like poetry, where what I read sounds good but is something I’m purely not skilled at in giving advice in. Finally, I find it awkward as well to give praise, as I feel like the author of any work really shouldn’t want any praise, as praise doesn’t do anyone any good.
            This being said I also find it awkward to get peer reviewed, purely because I worry when the person who peer reviews my paper doesn’t notice the giant problem that I noticed the second time reading it. This being said, it is useful to be peer reviewed, it just gets hard for me after a while.

            The peer review process is overall a positive one, it is very useful to have your papers read, and other people can give you an insight that you probably can’t figure out for yourself. I do like having my stuff read, and I have a general curiosity for what is going on with the rest of the class, so these definitely link in with the positive aspects of this process. Hopefully everything turned out well with the peer review process on my postcard story as I’m going to turn it in tomorrow.   

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